화면 캡처 2023-09-10 154042.png



📩 [email protected]

🌐 https://github.com/Seong-Hyun-0224

🗺️ Seoul, Republic of Korea



<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/28e7d640-30a1-4cf4-a75b-bac3ed33763f/2fa74db2-238f-4c09-9885-67ffd6699abb/icons8-instagram-48.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/28e7d640-30a1-4cf4-a75b-bac3ed33763f/2fa74db2-238f-4c09-9885-67ffd6699abb/icons8-instagram-48.png" width="40px" />



$$ \Huge \textbf {Seong-Hyun Kim} \\ \small 🖥 \ AI, \ Software, \ Bioinformatics, \ Medical \ Engineer - Republic\ Of\ Korea(ROK) \\ 📗\ SangMyung \ Univ. \ / \ Dept. \ of \ Human-Centered \ Artificial \ Intelligence \\ 🚢\ \ ROK \ NAVY, \ DSSC: \ Honorable \ Discharged \ (Naval \ Petty \ Officer \ Second \ Class) $$

Hello there! I’m glad to meet you all at this time. My name is Seong Hyun Kim, a Junior student in Human-centered AI, at Seoul, SangMyung University.

I've always been fascinated with AI development, Bio informatics, and Medical engineering. I think this will be a great advantage because I have experience working on team projects in various fields such as logistics, social systems, and medical care, and I also served as a deputy team leader and a little team leader! It's a disadvantage to be too detailed, but it can also be an advantage, so I'm always doing my best for every project! Please take good care of us!

Have a good day!


2020.08. - 2020.11.

Project Leader & Software engineer | MIFF making club(https://github.com/Seong-Hyun-0224/MIFF**)**

In order to build a turtle breeding ground that automatically adjusts the temperature and humidity by measuring the temperature and humidity, it is divided into a design team that models and prints 3D and a software team that implements an embedded system using Arduino boards and sensors.

2020.03. - 2021.01

AI developer | 휴먼을 휴먼답게(Make human like a human)(https://github.com/minji-o-j/system-for-visually-impaired**)**

It was the Project team for developing system, called “A walking environment alert for the visually impaired”. It is a walking environment notification for the visually impaired, and it has implemented a function to find crosswalks and traffic lights on its own through a camera and inform a safe walking environment by informing them of the timing of crossing and the color of traffic lights. To this end, the yolo v2 object detection model was first used, and then yolo v4 was opened and used, and the technology was used in computer vision through efforts such as finding out about the HSV color model and applying it to improve recognition accuracy.

2023.07. - 2023.08.

participant | Career exploration program in medical field, BioHealth-COSS

A hands-on experience program was conducted for career exploration in the medical field. Professors from university hospitals such as dermatology, orthopedics, cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, cardiology, veterinary medicine, etc. were invited to listen to their respective career stories. In addition, incumbent employees such as the National Police Agency's Criminal Investigation Division, the National Police Agency's scientific investigation team, and the fire department's emergency rescue team were also invited to listen to their career stories and conduct medical illustrator practice, fingerprinting practice, and blood analysis practice.

2023.03. - present

Deputy Team Leader & developer | Team Carry-on at Smart Marine Logistics, ICT Mentoring(https://github.com/Seong-Hyun-0224/23_HP023-ICT_Mentoring_smart_-ocean_project-thesis**)**


The ICT mentoring program, a program supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea, participated in the "Edge Computing System to Prevent Container Loss" project in the field of smart marine logistics. To identify and solve the basic concepts of ships, rolling, container loading and locking procedures, container ship cargo loss, a sensor optimization algorithm using clustering algorithms, turnbuckle detection through cameras, container load calculation, etc., and submitted papers to academic conferences.

2019.03 - 2020.12.

(along time ago when I started a trombone)

Trombonist(a hobby) | Seoul Citizens' Union Orchestra(2019) & Merry Orchestra(2020)

Taking advantage of my experience playing trombone since the second grade of middle school, I played 2nd tb and 1st tb positions at the Seoul Citizens' Union Orchestra and Mary Orchestra, respectively. I played various songs regardless of classical and contemporary music, such as Dvorak and the Pirates of the Caribbean OST, and performed at the Han River Festival and Korea Communications University Square.

2023.11.18. - 2023.11.28.

Participant & Project member | 바이오헬스 혁신공유대학(Bio COSS) Global Honors Program with Philips, Fonyts Univ, seven universities in Korea(↓ detail portfolio)


Philips, Fontis University in the Netherlands, and seven universities participating in BioHealth Innovation Sharing University participated in the Global Honors Program, a healthcare business idea creation project run jointly by seven universities participating in the University of Fontis in the Netherlands during the first semester, 23.11.18. to 23.11.26. The departure of the project to Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Eindhoven in the Netherlands, as well as the presentation of the final project at Philips' headquarters, team formation, and presentation. In this project, the duo project received achievements selected in the top five teams and gained experience in global project progress and presentation.

2024.01.02. - 2024.02.23.

research intern | The 4th College Internship of the Seoul Metropolitan Council(서울특별시의회 제4기 대학생인턴십)

At the 4th university student internship of the Seoul Metropolitan Council, a research project was conducted on [analysis of AI's decision-making impact on the public and social sectors]. We investigated system service cases using AI at home and abroad, AI-related policies, and AI utilization policies and projects in Korea and Seoul to identify trends and characteristics. In addition, by comparing and analyzing AI technology use cases and analyzing related ordinances, selecting detailed fields, devising new policies for AI use in the relevant field, and suggesting ways to revise the ordinance, we proceeded with the idea of a new Seoul artificial intelligence utilization project.



The AI section of the 2nd SM Contest | Sangmyung University SW-centered University Project Group(상명대학교 SW중심대학사업단)


2020-1 Sangmyung-Creative-Convergence-Integration-Performance-Contest: Study_Section | Sangmyung University(상명대학교)


2020-2 Sangmyung-Creative-Convergence-Integration-Performance-Contest: Study_Section | Sangmyung University(상명대학교)


2023 Autumn Conference [ACK2023] Undergraduate-high school thesis contest paper | Korea Information Processing Society(한국정보처리학회)